The Samba-Bugzilla – Attachment 5617 Details for
Bug 7340
Joining Windows 7 Pro 64 to a Samba 3.5.2 Domain Join Error Problem
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The Windows 7 NetSetup log file (ASCII format) generated by the join process.
NetSetup.txt (text/plain), 30.01 KB, created by
John H Terpstra (mail address dead(
on 2010-04-09 00:39:16 UTC
The Windows 7 NetSetup log file (ASCII format) generated by the join process.
MIME Type:
John H Terpstra (mail address dead(
2010-04-09 00:39:16 UTC
30.01 KB
>ÿþ04/08/2010 23:54:15:061 ----------------------------------------------------------------- >04/08/2010 23:54:15:061 NetpValidateName: checking to see if 'WIN7PRO64' is valid as type 1 name >04/08/2010 23:54:15:061 NetpCheckNetBiosNameNotInUse for 'WIN7PRO64' [MACHINE] returned 0x0 >04/08/2010 23:54:15:061 NetpValidateName: name 'WIN7PRO64' is valid for type 1 >04/08/2010 23:54:15:074 ----------------------------------------------------------------- >04/08/2010 23:54:15:074 NetpValidateName: checking to see if 'WIN7PRO64' is valid as type 5 name >04/08/2010 23:54:15:074 NetpValidateName: name 'WIN7PRO64' is valid for type 5 >04/08/2010 23:54:15:074 ----------------------------------------------------------------- >04/08/2010 23:54:15:074 NetpValidateName: checking to see if 'MIDEARTH' is valid as type 3 name >04/08/2010 23:54:15:074 NetpCheckDomainNameIsValid [ Exists ] for 'MIDEARTH' returned 0x0 >04/08/2010 23:54:15:074 NetpValidateName: name 'MIDEARTH' is valid for type 3 >04/08/2010 23:54:22:022 ----------------------------------------------------------------- >04/08/2010 23:54:22:022 NetpDoDomainJoin >04/08/2010 23:54:22:022 NetpMachineValidToJoin: 'WIN7PRO64' >04/08/2010 23:54:22:022 OS Version: 6.1 >04/08/2010 23:54:22:022 Build number: 7600 (7600.win7_rtm.090713-1255) >04/08/2010 23:54:22:036 SKU: Windows 7 Professional >04/08/2010 23:54:22:036 NetpDomainJoinLicensingCheck: ulLicenseValue=1, Status: 0x0 >04/08/2010 23:54:22:036 NetpGetLsaPrimaryDomain: status: 0x0 >04/08/2010 23:54:22:036 NetpMachineValidToJoin: status: 0x0 >04/08/2010 23:54:22:036 NetpJoinDomain >04/08/2010 23:54:22:036 Machine: WIN7PRO64 >04/08/2010 23:54:22:036 Domain: MIDEARTH >04/08/2010 23:54:22:036 MachineAccountOU: (NULL) >04/08/2010 23:54:22:036 Account: MIDEARTH\admin >04/08/2010 23:54:22:036 Options: 0x25 >04/08/2010 23:54:22:036 NetpLoadParameters: loading registry parameters... >04/08/2010 23:54:22:036 NetpLoadParameters: status: DNSNameResolutionRequired set to '0' >04/08/2010 23:54:22:036 NetpLoadParameters: status: DomainCompatibilityMode set to '1' >04/08/2010 23:54:22:036 NetpLoadParameters: status: 0x0 >04/08/2010 23:54:22:036 NetpValidateName: checking to see if 'MIDEARTH' is valid as type 3 name >04/08/2010 23:54:22:136 NetpCheckDomainNameIsValid [ Exists ] for 'MIDEARTH' returned 0x0 >04/08/2010 23:54:22:136 NetpValidateName: name 'MIDEARTH' is valid for type 3 >04/08/2010 23:54:22:136 NetpDsGetDcName: trying to find DC in domain 'MIDEARTH', flags: 0x1020 >04/08/2010 23:54:29:102 NetpLoadParameters: loading registry parameters... >04/08/2010 23:54:29:102 NetpLoadParameters: status: DNSNameResolutionRequired set to '0' >04/08/2010 23:54:29:102 NetpLoadParameters: status: DomainCompatibilityMode set to '1' >04/08/2010 23:54:29:102 NetpLoadParameters: status: 0x0 >04/08/2010 23:54:29:102 NetpDsGetDcName: found DC '\\DATASTORE' in the specified domain >04/08/2010 23:54:29:102 NetpJoinDomainOnDs: NetpDsGetDcName returned: 0x0 >04/08/2010 23:54:38:061 NetpJoinDomain: status of connecting to dc '\\DATASTORE': 0x0 >04/08/2010 23:54:38:061 NetpProvisionComputerAccount: >04/08/2010 23:54:38:061 lpDomain: MIDEARTH >04/08/2010 23:54:38:061 lpMachineName: WIN7PRO64 >04/08/2010 23:54:38:061 lpMachineAccountOU: (NULL) >04/08/2010 23:54:38:061 lpDcName: DATASTORE >04/08/2010 23:54:38:061 lpDnsHostName: (NULL) >04/08/2010 23:54:38:061 lpMachinePassword: (null) >04/08/2010 23:54:38:061 lpAccount: MIDEARTH\admin >04/08/2010 23:54:38:061 lpPassword: (non-null) >04/08/2010 23:54:38:061 dwJoinOptions: 0x25 >04/08/2010 23:54:38:061 dwOptions: 0x40000003 >04/08/2010 23:54:38:092 NetpLdapBind: ldap_bind failed on DATASTORE: 49: Invalid Credentials >04/08/2010 23:54:38:124 NetpGetLsaPrimaryDomain: DNS Domain policy not supported, falling back to Primary Domain >04/08/2010 23:54:38:124 NetpGetLsaPrimaryDomain: status: 0x0 >04/08/2010 23:54:38:124 NetpCreateComputerObjectInDs: DC passed '\\DATASTORE' doesn't have writable DS 0x101 >04/08/2010 23:54:38:124 NetpProvisionComputerAccount: LDAP creation failed: 0x32 >04/08/2010 23:54:38:124 NetpJoinDomainOnDs: Function exits with status of: 0x32 >04/08/2010 23:54:38:124 NetpJoinDomainOnDs: status of disconnecting from '\\DATASTORE': 0x0 >04/08/2010 23:54:38:124 NetpDoDomainJoin: status: 0x32 >04/08/2010 23:54:38:139 ----------------------------------------------------------------- >04/08/2010 23:54:38:139 NetpDoDomainJoin >04/08/2010 23:54:38:139 NetpMachineValidToJoin: 'WIN7PRO64' >04/08/2010 23:54:38:139 OS Version: 6.1 >04/08/2010 23:54:38:139 Build number: 7600 (7600.win7_rtm.090713-1255) >04/08/2010 23:54:38:139 SKU: Windows 7 Professional >04/08/2010 23:54:38:139 NetpDomainJoinLicensingCheck: ulLicenseValue=1, Status: 0x0 >04/08/2010 23:54:38:139 NetpGetLsaPrimaryDomain: status: 0x0 >04/08/2010 23:54:38:139 NetpMachineValidToJoin: status: 0x0 >04/08/2010 23:54:38:139 NetpJoinDomain >04/08/2010 23:54:38:139 Machine: WIN7PRO64 >04/08/2010 23:54:38:139 Domain: MIDEARTH >04/08/2010 23:54:38:139 MachineAccountOU: (NULL) >04/08/2010 23:54:38:139 Account: MIDEARTH\admin >04/08/2010 23:54:38:139 Options: 0x27 >04/08/2010 23:54:38:139 NetpLoadParameters: loading registry parameters... >04/08/2010 23:54:38:139 NetpLoadParameters: status: DNSNameResolutionRequired set to '0' >04/08/2010 23:54:38:139 NetpLoadParameters: status: DomainCompatibilityMode set to '1' >04/08/2010 23:54:38:139 NetpLoadParameters: status: 0x0 >04/08/2010 23:54:38:139 NetpValidateName: checking to see if 'MIDEARTH' is valid as type 3 name >04/08/2010 23:54:38:139 NetpCheckDomainNameIsValid [ Exists ] for 'MIDEARTH' returned 0x0 >04/08/2010 23:54:38:139 NetpValidateName: name 'MIDEARTH' is valid for type 3 >04/08/2010 23:54:38:139 NetpDsGetDcName: trying to find DC in domain 'MIDEARTH', flags: 0x1020 >04/08/2010 23:54:38:368 NetpLoadParameters: loading registry parameters... >04/08/2010 23:54:38:368 NetpLoadParameters: status: DNSNameResolutionRequired set to '0' >04/08/2010 23:54:38:368 NetpLoadParameters: status: DomainCompatibilityMode set to '1' >04/08/2010 23:54:38:368 NetpLoadParameters: status: 0x0 >04/08/2010 23:54:38:368 NetpDsGetDcName: found DC '\\DATASTORE' in the specified domain >04/08/2010 23:54:38:368 NetpJoinDomainOnDs: NetpDsGetDcName returned: 0x0 >04/08/2010 23:54:38:368 NetpJoinDomain: status of connecting to dc '\\DATASTORE': 0x0 >04/08/2010 23:54:38:368 NetpProvisionComputerAccount: >04/08/2010 23:54:38:368 lpDomain: MIDEARTH >04/08/2010 23:54:38:368 lpMachineName: WIN7PRO64 >04/08/2010 23:54:38:368 lpMachineAccountOU: (NULL) >04/08/2010 23:54:38:368 lpDcName: DATASTORE >04/08/2010 23:54:38:368 lpDnsHostName: (NULL) >04/08/2010 23:54:38:368 lpMachinePassword: (null) >04/08/2010 23:54:38:368 lpAccount: MIDEARTH\admin >04/08/2010 23:54:38:368 lpPassword: (non-null) >04/08/2010 23:54:38:368 dwJoinOptions: 0x27 >04/08/2010 23:54:38:368 dwOptions: 0x40000003 >04/08/2010 23:54:38:368 NetpLdapBind: ldap_bind failed on DATASTORE: 49: Invalid Credentials >04/08/2010 23:54:38:386 NetpGetLsaPrimaryDomain: DNS Domain policy not supported, falling back to Primary Domain >04/08/2010 23:54:38:386 NetpGetLsaPrimaryDomain: status: 0x0 >04/08/2010 23:54:38:403 NetpCreateComputerObjectInDs: DC passed '\\DATASTORE' doesn't have writable DS 0x101 >04/08/2010 23:54:38:403 NetpProvisionComputerAccount: LDAP creation failed: 0x32 >04/08/2010 23:54:38:403 NetpProvisionComputerAccount: Retrying downlevel per options >04/08/2010 23:54:39:236 NetpProvisionComputerAccount: retry status of creating account: 0x0 >04/08/2010 23:54:39:236 NetpEncodeProvisioningBlob: Encoding provisioning data >04/08/2010 23:54:39:236 NetpInitBlobWin7: Constructing blob... >04/08/2010 23:54:39:236 Blob version: 1 >04/08/2010 23:54:39:236 lpDomain: MIDEARTH >04/08/2010 23:54:39:236 lpMachineName: WIN7PRO64 >04/08/2010 23:54:39:236 lpMachinePassword: <omitted from log> >04/08/2010 23:54:39:236 DomainDnsPolicy: >04/08/2010 23:54:39:236 Name: MIDEARTH >04/08/2010 23:54:39:236 DnsDomainName: (null) >04/08/2010 23:54:39:236 DnsForestName: (null) >04/08/2010 23:54:39:236 DomainGuid: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 >04/08/2010 23:54:39:236 Sid: S-1-5-21-726309263-4128913605-1168186429 >04/08/2010 23:54:39:236 DcInfo: >04/08/2010 23:54:39:236 DomainControllerName: \\DATASTORE >04/08/2010 23:54:39:236 DomainControllerAddress: \\DATASTORE >04/08/2010 23:54:39:236 DomainControllerAddressType: 2 >04/08/2010 23:54:39:236 DomainGuid: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 >04/08/2010 23:54:39:236 DomainName: MIDEARTH >04/08/2010 23:54:39:236 DnsForestName: (null) >04/08/2010 23:54:39:236 Flags: 0x101 >04/08/2010 23:54:39:236 DcSiteName: (null) >04/08/2010 23:54:39:236 ClientSiteName: (null) >04/08/2010 23:54:39:236 Options: 0x40000003 >04/08/2010 23:54:39:236 NetpInitBlobWin7: Blob pickling result: 0 >04/08/2010 23:54:39:236 NetpEncodeProvisioningBlob: result: 0x0 >04/08/2010 23:54:39:236 NetpRequestOfflineDomainJoin: >04/08/2010 23:54:39:236 dwProvisionBinDataSize: 664 >04/08/2010 23:54:39:236 JoinOptions: 0x27 >04/08/2010 23:54:39:236 Options: 0x40000003 >04/08/2010 23:54:39:236 lpWindowsPath: C:\Windows >04/08/2010 23:54:39:236 NetpDecodeProvisioningBlob: Unpickling provisioning blob with size 664 bytes >04/08/2010 23:54:39:236 NetpDecodeProvisioningBlob: Searching 1 blobs for supported ODJ blob, highest supported version: 1 >04/08/2010 23:54:39:236 NetpDecodeProvisioningBlob: Found ODJ blob version: 1 >04/08/2010 23:54:39:236 NetpDecodeProvisioningBlob: Selected ODJ blob version: 1 >04/08/2010 23:54:39:236 Blob version: 1 >04/08/2010 23:54:39:236 lpDomain: MIDEARTH >04/08/2010 23:54:39:236 lpMachineName: WIN7PRO64 >04/08/2010 23:54:39:236 lpMachinePassword: <omitted from log> >04/08/2010 23:54:39:236 DomainDnsPolicy: >04/08/2010 23:54:39:236 Name: MIDEARTH >04/08/2010 23:54:39:236 DnsDomainName: (null) >04/08/2010 23:54:39:236 DnsForestName: (null) >04/08/2010 23:54:39:236 DomainGuid: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 >04/08/2010 23:54:39:236 Sid: S-1-5-21-726309263-4128913605-1168186429 >04/08/2010 23:54:39:236 DcInfo: >04/08/2010 23:54:39:236 DomainControllerName: \\DATASTORE >04/08/2010 23:54:39:236 DomainControllerAddress: \\DATASTORE >04/08/2010 23:54:39:236 DomainControllerAddressType: 2 >04/08/2010 23:54:39:236 DomainGuid: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 >04/08/2010 23:54:39:236 DomainName: MIDEARTH >04/08/2010 23:54:39:236 DnsForestName: (null) >04/08/2010 23:54:39:236 Flags: 0x101 >04/08/2010 23:54:39:236 DcSiteName: (null) >04/08/2010 23:54:39:236 ClientSiteName: (null) >04/08/2010 23:54:39:236 Options: 0x40000003 >04/08/2010 23:54:39:236 NetpDoInitiateOfflineDomainJoin >04/08/2010 23:54:39:236 NetpDoInitiateOfflineDomainJoin: Setting backup/restore privileges >04/08/2010 23:54:39:253 NetpInitiateOfflineJoin >04/08/2010 23:54:39:253 lpLocalRegistryPath: C:\Windows\system32\config\SYSTEM >04/08/2010 23:54:39:253 dwOptions: 0x40000003 >04/08/2010 23:54:39:253 NetpConvertBlobToJoinState: Translating provisioning data to internal format >04/08/2010 23:54:39:253 NetpConvertBlobToJoinState: Selecting version 1 >04/08/2010 23:54:39:253 NetpConvertBlobToJoinState: exiting: 0x0 >04/08/2010 23:54:39:253 NetpValidateFullJoinState: Validating provisioning data... >04/08/2010 23:54:39:253 NetpValidateFullJoinState: exiting: 0x0 >04/08/2010 23:54:39:253 NetpClearFullJoinState: Removing cached state from the registry... >04/08/2010 23:54:39:253 NetpClearFullJoinState: Status of deleting join state key 0x2 >04/08/2010 23:54:39:253 NetpSaveFullJoinStateInternal: Injecting provisioning data into image... >04/08/2010 23:54:39:253 NetpSaveFullJoinStateInternal: exiting: 0x0 >04/08/2010 23:54:39:253 NetpSetComputerNamesOffline: Checking for pending name changes... >04/08/2010 23:54:39:253 SetHostName: TRUE >04/08/2010 23:54:39:253 SetDnsDomain: TRUE >04/08/2010 23:54:39:253 SetNetBiosName: TRUE >04/08/2010 23:54:39:253 SetCurrentValues: TRUE >04/08/2010 23:54:39:253 NetpSetComputerNamesOffline: Setting Hostname to WIN7PRO64 >04/08/2010 23:54:39:253 NetpSetComputerNamesOffline: Setting NetBios computer name to WIN7PRO64 >04/08/2010 23:54:39:253 NetpDoInitiateOfflineDomainJoin: status: 0x0 >04/08/2010 23:54:39:253 NetRequestOfflineDomainJoin: Successfully initiated the offline domain join >04/08/2010 23:54:39:253 NetpJoinDomainOnDs: Setting netlogon cache. >04/08/2010 23:54:39:270 NetpSetNetlogonDomainCache: DsEnumerateDomainTrustsW for all trusts failed with ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED -- retry >04/08/2010 23:54:39:340 NetpJoinDomainOnDs: status of setting netlogon cache: 0x0 >04/08/2010 23:54:39:340 NetpJoinDomainOnDs: Function exits with status of: 0x0 >04/08/2010 23:54:39:340 NetpJoinDomainOnDs: status of disconnecting from '\\DATASTORE': 0x0 >04/08/2010 23:54:39:340 NetpCompleteOfflineDomainJoin >04/08/2010 23:54:39:340 fBootTimeCaller: FALSE >04/08/2010 23:54:39:340 fSetLocalGroups: TRUE >04/08/2010 23:54:39:340 NetpLsaOpenSecret: status: 0xc0000034 >04/08/2010 23:54:39:340 NetpGetLsaPrimaryDomain: status: 0x0 >04/08/2010 23:54:39:340 NetpJoinDomainLocal: NetpHandleJoinedStateInfo returned: 0x0 >04/08/2010 23:54:39:340 NetpLsaOpenSecret: status: 0xc0000034 >04/08/2010 23:54:39:496 NetpJoinDomainLocal: NetpManageMachineSecret returned: 0x0. >04/08/2010 23:54:39:496 Calling NetpQueryService to get Netlogon service state. >04/08/2010 23:54:39:496 NetpJoinDomainLocal: NetpQueryService returned: 0x0. >04/08/2010 23:54:39:513 NetpSetLsaPrimaryDomain: for 'MIDEARTH' status: 0x0 >04/08/2010 23:54:39:513 NetpJoinDomainLocal: status of setting LSA pri. domain: 0x0 >04/08/2010 23:54:39:513 NetpManageLocalGroupsForJoin: Adding groups for new domain, removing groups from old domain, if any. >04/08/2010 23:54:39:513 NetpManageLocalGroups: Populating list of account SIDs. >04/08/2010 23:54:39:583 NetpManageLocalGroupsForJoin: status of modifying groups related to domain 'MIDEARTH' to local groups: 0x0 >04/08/2010 23:54:39:600 NetpManageLocalGroupsForJoin: INFO: No old domain groups to process. >04/08/2010 23:54:39:600 NetpJoinDomainLocal: Status of managing local groups: 0x0 >04/08/2010 23:54:39:600 NetpJoinDomainLocal: Controlling services and setting service start type. >04/08/2010 23:54:39:600 NetpJoinDomainLocal: Updating W32TimeConfig >04/08/2010 23:54:39:635 NetpUpdateW32timeConfig: 0x0 >04/08/2010 23:54:39:635 NetpClearFullJoinState: Removing cached state from the registry... >04/08/2010 23:54:39:635 NetpClearFullJoinState: Status of deleting join state key 0x0 >04/08/2010 23:54:39:635 NetpCompleteOfflineDomainJoin: status: 0x0 >04/08/2010 23:54:39:635 NetpJoinDomain: NetpCompleteOfflineDomainJoin SUCCESS: Requested a reboot :0x0 >04/08/2010 23:54:39:635 NetpDoDomainJoin: status: 0x0 >04/08/2010 23:54:41:925 ----------------------------------------------------------------- >04/08/2010 23:54:41:925 NetpChangeMachineName: from 'WIN7PRO64' to 'WIN7PRO64' using 'MIDEARTH\admin' [0x1000] >04/08/2010 23:54:41:925 NetpDsGetDcName: trying to find DC in domain 'MIDEARTH', flags: 0x1010 >04/08/2010 23:54:48:361 [000002d4] NetpGetLsaPrimaryDomain: status: 0x0 >04/08/2010 23:54:50:339 NetpDsGetDcName: failed to find a DC in the specified domain: 0x54b, last error is 0x3e5 >
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bug 7340
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