==27446== Syscall param write(buf) points to uninitialised byte(s) ==27446== at 0x4A7D903: __write_nocancel (in /lib/libc-2.5.so) ==27446== by 0xA56BA: write_data (util_sock.c:556) ==27446== by 0x1FD60: write_child (asyncdns.c:187) ==27446== by 0x1FDB7: queue_dns_query (asyncdns.c:295) ==27446== by 0x3BFD8: wins_process_name_query_request (nmbd_winsserver.c:1958) ==27446== by 0x2FC51: run_packet_queue (nmbd_packets.c:1505) ==27446== by 0x21934: main (nmbd.c:394) ==27446== Address 0xbeb54a6c is on thread 1's stack ==27446== ==27446== ---- Attach to debugger ? --- [Return/N/n/Y/y/C/c] ---- y ==27446== starting debugger with cmd: xterm -e /usr/bin/gdb -nw /proc/28842/fd/1024 28842 (gdb) bt full #0 0x040008b2 in ?? () No symbol table info available. #1 0x04a7d903 in ?? () No symbol table info available. #2 0x000f2ff4 in ?? () No symbol table info available. #3 0x000911cb in sys_write (fd=8, buf=0xbeb54a18, count=88) at lib/system.c:140 ret = 0 #4 0x000a56bb in write_data (fd=8, buffer=0xbeb54a18 "BASHIR", N=88) at lib/util_sock.c:556 total = 0 ret = __FUNCTION__ = "write_data" #5 0x0001fd61 in write_child (p=) at nmbd/asyncdns.c:187 r = {name = {name = "BASHIR\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000", scope = '\0' , name_type = 32}, result = {s_addr = 0}} #6 0x0001fdb8 in queue_dns_query (p=0x4f81d78, question=0x4f81dcc) at nmbd/asyncdns.c:295 __FUNCTION__ = "queue_dns_query" #7 0x0003bfd9 in wins_process_name_query_request (subrec=0x4d4f9d8, p=0x4f81d78) at nmbd/nmbd_winsserver.c:1958 question = (struct nmb_name *) 0x4f81dcc namerec = (struct name_record *) 0x0 qname = "BASHIR\000\000�\017\000\030K��|�002\000x\035�004", '\0' , "\230\035�004", '\0' __FUNCTION__ = "wins_process_name_query_request" #8 0x0002fc52 in run_packet_queue () at nmbd/nmbd_packets.c:1505 p = (struct packet_struct *) 0x4f81d78 #9 0x00021935 in main (argc=1213415746, argv=0xbeb55154) at nmbd/nmbd.c:394 logfile = "/var/log/samba/log.nmbd\000���\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\001\000\000\000u\003\000\000\200\205�004��233\004sc�\004\234\230\235\004\220Q�\004\001\000\000\000�001\004\030�233\004\214M���M��e\233\000\004\220Q�\004\214M��\\�001\004\016\000\000\000\200\205�004\001\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\001\000\000\000x/vgpreload_core.so\000\230M��/loc���X�233\004sc�\004ind\001W�223\034\000\000\000\000x/vgpreload_0\204�\004\004\000\000\024 \026�\004", '\0' ... pc = long_options = {{longName = 0x0, shortName = 0 '\0', argInfo = 4, arg = 0x48b60e0, val = 0, descrip = 0xc5a67 "Help options:", argDescrip = 0x0}, {longName = 0xc5a75 "daemon", shortName = 68 'D', argInfo = 7, arg = 0xfa3a8, val = 1, descrip = 0xc5a7c "Become a daemon(default)", argDescrip = 0x0}, { longName = 0xc5a95 "interactive", shortName = 105 'i', argInfo = 7, arg = 0xfa39c, val = 1, descrip = 0xc5ca0 "Run interactive (not a daemon)", argDescrip = 0x0}, { longName = 0xc5aa1 "foreground", shortName = 70 'F', argInfo = 7, arg = 0xf3484, val = 0, descrip = 0xc5cc0 "Run daemon in foreground (for daemontools & etc)", argDescrip = 0x0}, {longName = 0xc5aac "no-process-group", shortName = 0 '\0', argInfo = 7, arg = 0xfa398, val = 1, descrip = 0xc5cf4 "Don't create a new process group", argDescrip = 0x0}, { longName = 0xc5abd "log-stdout", shortName = 83 'S', argInfo = 7, arg = 0xfa3ac, val = 1, descrip = 0xc5ac8 "Log to stdout", argDescrip = 0x0}, {longName = 0xd038a "hosts", shortName = 72 'H', argInfo = 1, arg = 0xf3488, val = 72, descrip = 0xc5ad6 "Load a netbios hosts file", argDescrip = 0x0}, { longName = 0xc5b08 "port", shortName = 112 'p', argInfo = 2, arg = 0xf3480, val = 137, descrip = 0xc5af0 "Listen on the specified port", argDescrip = 0x0}, { longName = 0x0, shortName = 0 '\0', argInfo = 4, arg = 0xfa180, val = 0, descrip = 0xc5b0d "Common samba options:", argDescrip = 0x0}, { longName = 0x0, shortName = 0 '\0', argInfo = 0, arg = 0x0, val = 0, descrip = 0x0, argDescrip = 0x0}} opt_interactive = 0 p_lmhosts = 0xf3ca0 "/etc/samba/lmhosts" no_process_group = 0 __FUNCTION__ = "main" (gdb) frame 8 #8 0x0002fc52 in run_packet_queue () at nmbd/nmbd_packets.c:1505 1505 wins_process_name_query_request(subrec, p); (gdb) p *p $1 = {next = 0x0, prev = 0x0, locked = 0, ip = {s_addr = 341465990}, port = 137, fd = 11, timestamp = 1204110669, packet_type = NMB_PACKET, packet = {nmb = {header = {name_trn_id = 33567, opcode = 0, response = 0, nm_flags = {bcast = 0, recursion_available = 0, recursion_desired = 1, trunc = 0, authoritative = 0}, rcode = 0, qdcount = 1, ancount = 0, nscount = 0, arcount = 0}, question = {question_name = { name = "BASHIR\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000", scope = '\0' , name_type = 32}, question_type = 32, question_class = 1}, answers = 0x0, nsrecs = 0x0, additional = 0x0}, dgram = {header = {msg_type = 33567, flags = { node_type = B_NODE, first = 0, more = 0}, dgm_id = 0, source_ip = { s_addr = 1}, source_port = 0, dgm_length = 0, packet_offset = 0}, source_name = {name = "\001", '\0' , scope = "BASHIR", '\0' , name_type = 0}, dest_name = {name = '\0' , " \000\000", scope = " \000\000\000\001", '\0' , name_type = 0}, datasize = 0, data = '\0' }}} (gdb) frame 7 #7 0x0003bfd9 in wins_process_name_query_request (subrec=0x4d4f9d8, p=0x4f81d78) at nmbd/nmbd_winsserver.c:1958 1958 queue_dns_query(p, question); (gdb) p *subrec $2 = {next = 0x0, prev = 0x0, subnet_name = 0x4d4fa40 "WINS_SERVER_SUBNET", type = WINS_SERVER_SUBNET, workgrouplist = 0x0, namelist = 0x4f7efd8, responselist = 0x0, namelist_changed = 0, work_changed = 0, bcast_ip = { s_addr = 0}, mask_ip = {s_addr = 0}, myip = {s_addr = 0}, nmb_sock = -1, dgram_sock = -1} (gdb) frame 6 #6 0x0001fdb8 in queue_dns_query (p=0x4f81d78, question=0x4f81dcc) at nmbd/asyncdns.c:295 295 if (!write_child(p)) { (gdb) p *question $3 = {name = "BASHIR\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000", scope = '\0' , name_type = 32} (gdb) frame 5 #5 0x0001fd61 in write_child (p=) at nmbd/asyncdns.c:187 187 return write_data(fd_out, (char *)&r, sizeof(r)) == sizeof(r); (gdb) p r $4 = {name = {name = "BASHIR\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000", scope = '\0' , name_type = 32}, result = {s_addr = 0}}