G'Day Microsoft, In traditional Kerberos, authorization is not well addressed, and is typically done by a name-based lookup based on the principal name in the returned ticket. Active directory extended this notion to add the PAC, which contains the final, certain identity of the user encoded in the PAC_LOGON_INFO. However, many unix-history Kerberos acceptors still do not know how to read the PAC, so operate based on the name alone. The reason this mail is maked [SECURITY] is that for Samba, we too make this mistake - in attempting to be open to non-AD Kerberos realms we allow Samba to be tricked into this mode of operation also. This would not normally be a major issue, except that Active Directory also supports name aliases. The aliases from COMPUTERNAME (in the ticket) -> COMPUTERNAME$ (in the directory) (MS-KILE Principal Lookup) is the most dangerous, as many AD installations allow the creation of new computer accounts with arbitrary names. As well as principal aliases, Active Directory introduced 'name canonicalisation'. This was added as a Kerberos protocol feature, and the net result of it is that for Windows clients (which request it by default) the target server will always get sAMAccountName@REALM. Many applications are therefore coded with this expectation. However, it is well established that Kerberos aliases can break name-based authorisation, if name canonicalisation is not requested: https://k5wiki.kerberos.org/wiki/Projects/Aliases#Client_principals_2 Samba has extensive tests for the name canonicalisation and sadly we know that in the presence of implicit or explicit aliases, if the AS-REQ does not request canonicalisation then the eventual ticket will match the attacker-controlled name exactly. Where Samba fails to find the user in Active Directory, we will fallback to the local user. The most obvious mapping to be concerned about is root -> root$ (allowing a ticket with root@REALM). I'm quite concerned that Samba may not be the only application that did not expect this: 'nsswitch' ID mapping via getpwnam() seems quite common in NFSv4 for example. In other spaces, mod_auth_kerb for Apache is well-known to be named-based, as is OpenSSH (via the krb5 auth_to_local mapping). My request is this, given this issue only impacts on non-Microsoft products that do not strictly require a Kerberos PAC: Is Microsoft interested in protecting the industry at the source (KDC of the AD DC) and adopting a design like this from FreeIPA: https://www.freeipa.org/page/V4/Kerberos_principal_aliases#Design or take some other approach so that the KDC prints tickets to target servers that only sent the canonicalised name: sAMAccountName@REALM? If so, does this raise to a level where we should have a coordinated process, or should Samba experiment with a fix first? Andrew Bartlett