wireshark trace to Samba 4.2-rc4 of the problem (test s743)
wrong-return-code-on-bad-oplock-break.trc.pcapng (application/x-pcapng), 5.46 KB, created by Steve French on 2015-02-24 18:07:10 UTC
Creator: Steve French
Created: 2015-02-24 18:07:10 UTC
Size: 5.46 KB

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Actions: View
Attachments on bug 11114: 10770 | 10771 | 10772 | 10773 | 10774 | 10775 | 10776 | 10777 | 10779 | 10780 | 10781 | 10782 | 10783 | 10784 | 10785 | 10786