24 CPU server with 1k printers, 400 idle clients, and 40 netshareenum rpcclients, doing a traverse read on enumeration only
1k_printers_400_idle_clients_and_40_netshareenum_clients_traverse_read_on_enum_only.png (image/png), 76.68 KB, created by David Disseldorp on 2014-07-24 09:59:39 UTC
Creator: David Disseldorp
Created: 2014-07-24 09:59:39 UTC
Size: 76.68 KB
Actions: View
Attachments on bug 10652: 10008 | 10009 | 10010 | 10026 | 10027 | 10028 | 10029 | 10097 | 10098 | 10149 | 10150 | 10173 | 10174 | 10187 | 10190 | 10191 | 10295